If you’ve been out of the job hunt mindset for a while, you might be a bit rusty when it comes to resumes. However, it may be time for you to look for a new job. And for whatever reason, and you’re back at it again. Things have changed since you were last sending out resumes and job applications. Here are some common things to avoid that have become outdated and obsolete, and are easy ways to reveal your age.
Extensive work history
If you’ve been working for 20 or 30 years, chances are you’ve got quite the line-up of jobs to describe. Rather than get into the extensive list, narrow it down to the jobs that affect the one you’re applying for. Leave out your college years foray into waitressing if it doesn’t have application to the job you’re hoping to get. What most companies are looking for is what you’ve been doing for the last ten years, and if you have any pertinent job experience before that.
Mentioning old technology
Technology changes and fluxes incredibly quickly, so mentioning old technology used in your job will date you. Leave those out, and instead use the opportunity to describe current technology you’ve worked with. The stereotype is that older people aren’t tech-savvy and don’t care to be. If you describe the current technology you’ve used (pertinent to the job, of course), you’ll definitely be getting a leg-up.
Old-styles of email addresses
Listing your email as an AOL address or whatever email was provided by your internet provider instantly dates you. Those hearken back to the days when email was just gaining momentum among the general populace. Instead, set up a Gmail account for interaction with potential employers. It’s easy to do so, and it’s free. Take this extra measure so you don’t immediately get placed in the “dated” resume pile.
Listing your home phone number
The days when landlines were found in every home are gone. Though some people still have them, you don’t want to list that as a number your potential employer can reach you by. Instant availability goes with the territory now, so put your cell phone number down instead.
Not using social media
This goes back to the technology stereotype. It doesn’t matter if you enjoy or understand the hype of social media. Employers are actively using it to learn about applicants. If you can’t be found, or worse, if they think they’ve found you but found someone else, it’s very likely you’ll be passed over for someone more visible. LinkedIn is the major website for workers these days, so having a presence there is essential. Being visible and your potential employer being able to find you is very important.
Don’t let age be a factor keeping you from getting the job. And don’t let your resume reveal your age to your potential employer. Get updated and show that you and your resume are current and ready enter the workforce.
The post Eliminating the Age-Factor on Your Resume appeared first on Nemo Demo Site.