Insurance / Insurtech
When you are looking for an insurance recruitment agency to partner with, what is most important? Knowing that the firm has a large, quality pool of talent and alliances with many types of companies in the insurance industry? Or is it having confidence that the recruiter(s) know the insurance field well enough to pair candidates with employers in the best possible manner? Either way, ACG is a solid choice.
Whether you are looking for a personal lines assistant or a large-market commercial lines account manager, our proprietary search methods and knowledgeable recruiters will match you with the candidate you have been too busy to find!
ACG is a recruiting company specializing in all aspects of the insurance and related industries. We understand the challenges faced by hiring managers and assist them in their recruitment needs and are therefore uniquely qualified to assist them not only in the search itself, but also in areas such as job definition, appropriate compensation, and candidate qualifications.
With the financial services and insurance industries offering both insurance and investment products we have the capability to provide a wide variety of candidates
We regularly work with Brokers, Insurers, Reinsurers, TPAs, Risk Managers, Compliance, Life, and Health.