- Your Budget is Too Low
This is one of the biggest hurdles to jump when it comes to filling a role. If there are internal equity issues restricting your budget, it can pose a serious problem. However, if you simply aren’t offering the right amount of money for what you’re looking for, you are going to have a tough time attracting qualified candidates. If you think you might be off the mark on the compensation, market surveys can help you determine if you need to make an adjustment. If the dollars aren’t in the budget, then you may have to lower the scope of the role itself to find the right fit for the right price.
- You Are Being Too Specific
If you find that your budget isn’t the problem, it could be the job itself. While of course there is a required level of experience for any role, if you narrow your candidate pool too far, you will have a tough time finding anyone who happens to be qualified. Make sure that you don’t narrow your search too far and try focusing on high-potential talent who can be trained in any skills they might be lacking.
- You Are “Posting and Praying”
This is a very common mistake when it comes to sourcing talent. It is an incredibly competitive market out there, so talent can be choosy and companies must get creative to find the talent they need. If you simply post your job description to the big boards and screen the candidates who apply, you may find it takes much longer to find what you’re looking for. Instead, be proactive. Take up the mantle of seeking out that great talent and actively work to recruit them, rather than hoping that they come to you.
- You Are Taking Too Long
Time is never your friend when it comes to the recruitment process. Candidates get cold feet, accept competing offers, or just generally lose interest if you drag the process out for too long. Make recruitment a priority, and if you find a candidate that you like, move quickly!
- You Aren’t Screening Well
If you find that you keep getting pretty far into the process, only to determine that you don’t have the right candidate, you are likely dropping the ball somewhere in the early screening process. This can cost valuable time and leave you with an unfilled role, despite a lot of effort. Make sure that you are asking key questions early on, that you have the right people interviewing candidates, and that you have clear guidelines about what qualifies a candidate for the role.
While there is certainly no shortage of places where the recruitment process may break down, by focusing on these five areas, you will eliminate many of the common culprits. If you have a role that you just can’t fill, it pays to take a beat and ask yourself if you may be making missteps in these areas.