It seems ideal: you finally find a way to get paid for doing something that you truly love! It seems like a dream, being able to make a living performing a function that you are passionate about and have spent countless hours perfecting as a hobby. However, even those among us who manage to land in this enviable position have some potential pitfalls to watch out for. The last thing you want is your hobby becoming a burden, so avoid the following hazards along the way to ensure that your dream job doesn’t turn into your nightmare.
Don’t Fall into a Rut
It is alarmingly easy to slip into an unthinking routine when you are working in a field you know very well. However, this is a kiss of death when it comes to feeling engaged and fulfilled by your work. To keep things fresh, don’t be afraid to try new things, take risks, and get out of your comfort zone a little. Even if you can’t imagine a world in which you’re doing anything other than what you’re passionate about, learning new skills and branching out from time to time will keep you interested and ensure you don’t grow complacent.
Don’t Stop Working on Your Own Projects
One downside of being paid to perform your passion for other people is that you tend to lose a bit of the creative control you have when you’re just doing something for the fun of it. It might run counter to the adage of “don’t take your work home with you,” but in this case, continuing your own personal projects for fun will be key to keeping your interest keen.
Don’t Forget to Take a Break
Taking a break is crucial to avoiding burnout, no matter what your job happens to be. Not only does hitting pause on your work give you the opportunity to become a more capable person through the exploration of other interests, but it gives you the opportunity to restore your passion and catch your breath. It is important to take a break, even when you love what you do. You’ll find that when you return to your work, you will likely have renewed resolve and the energy you need to drive forward.
The takeaway from all of this is that, even when you are lucky enough to turn your hobby into your career, there will be drawbacks. One of the worst feelings is to find yourself losing interest in something that you used to love, so taking care to shake things up, keeping up with passion projects, and remembering to occasionally take a break from it all will be critical. If you are fortunate enough to land in a position to monetize your hobby, make sure to keep the fire burning. As the saying goes: if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.
The post 3 Things to Avoid When Your Hobby Becomes Your Job appeared first on Nemo Demo Site.