Everyone knows that the real estate market is on fire nowadays. Prices are going up that many people are thinking of getting in on the action in 2 different ways. The first way is people who want to sell their home at the record high prices the market is producing, typically enough to pay off any potential existing mortgage and still leave tens of thousands of dollars leftover. The second way is for people who want to be party to those sales in the forms of real estate agents. Real estate agents only get a small cut of such deals but because the numbers involved are typically so large, the gross total ends up being pretty substantial. Not all real estate agents are created equal though. Whether you’re considering becoming a real estate agent, or are a homeowner looking for a real estate agent, here are the top 10 qualities of a good real estate agent.
- Personable – The real estate business has a lot of people involved in it: from bank employees, to other real estate agents, government officials, homeowners, and more. The best real estate agents put people at ease and make them feel like doing business with them is natural and effortless.
- Tenacious – The real estate profession involves a lot of hard work and dedication. Tenacious relators help their clients get top dollar for their property, in a timely manner.
- Honest – There are many industries where honesty is key for people wanting to do business with you and the real estate market is no exception since it involves such large numbers.
- Good Communication – As mentioned before, real estate agents come into contact with all types of people during their average day. So naturally being able to communicate well is a very helpful quality.
- Detail-oriented – Because real estate deals are so complex and involve such large numbers, the best real estate agents are good with details and surround themselves with others on their team who are too.
- Good Negotiator – All of a real estate agents efforts add up to the goal of a real estate deal, where one party typically ends up at least a little better off than the other thanks to better negotiation skills.
- Highly experienced – The real estate market is constantly changing but has been around forever, so having experience in the market is a natural advantage for those lucky enough to have it.
- Highly recommended – Word of mouth is critically important for real estate agents to separate themselves from the pack.
- Very Organized – Similar to being detail-oriented, being organized keeps things moving during complex real estate deals.
- Lawful – Last but not least, good real estate agents make sure they have all the required licenses and knowledge of applicable real estate law to do business in a moral and legal manner.
If you read this list and feel like it is describing you and you have an interest in becoming a real estate agent, why go it alone? Did you know that there are recruitment agencies for real estate companies? They have years of experience in working with real estate companies to hire people of all levels of experience who want to be real estate agents. Search for real estate recruitment agencies in your area online or through the local chamber of commerce to learn more.